Link to important information regarding entry policies for Fans at MS/HS Volleyball and Basketball games this year.
ATTENDANCE BULLETIN & CLARIFICATION FOR REMOTE STUDENTS (this information is also located on the school website)
Parents: SPISD staff will be reaching out to students and parents today. It may be from an unknown number rather than directly from the school. We will be sharing information and checking on students.
School for Sabine Pass ISD has been cancelled for Tuesday, September 1st.
To transition back to in-person education SPISD will offer remote instruction on Wednesday, September 2nd for ALL students. Students can check-in through google classroom if they are able.
On Tuesday, teachers and staff will be reaching out to check on students and make sure they are prepared to resume our previous in-person/remote instruction set-up on Thursday, September 3rd.
Parents, Sabine Pass ISD Administration will be meeting Monday to make plans for a safe return for our students and faculty/staff. We do not have a hard start date for return, but we will notify you all with time to make arrangements. We hope everyone is safe, and we are looking forward to getting our kiddos safely back in class to learn. We will continue to overcome and Keep Swimming Sharks!
Due to the current weather situation in the Gulf of Mexico and the unpredictability of these storms Sabine Pass ISD will, in an abundance of caution, cancel classes for the coming week Monday August 24th through Friday August 28th. Please stay tuned to the school mass communication sites for news and updates.
Kristi Heid
Sabine Pass ISD
Elementary parents please make sure you have joined your student class Remind. Teachers have sent information to join. This is important for communication with your teachers.
Parents, SPISD will be open for Monday, August 24th and will follow our regular schedule. We will continue to monitor the weather so please keep an eye on the website and social media for further details moving forward this week. Everyone be safe!
SPISD parents, we will continue to monitor the tropics over the weekend. Please continue to check the website, facebook, or twitter over the weekend for updates. Please be safe and we will keep swimming Sharks!
Update to Drop-Off Information (6th grade bus riders changed)
Bell Schedule for MS and HS classes
(also located on the school website)
Procedures for in-person and at-home classes, logging in the chromebooks and other information at this link (also on the website)
School starts for everyone tomorrow!
The following document covers new Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures for Bus riders, Parents, and Student drivers The document can also be found on the school website in the live feed.
If your student was enrolled at SPISD last year and you are having an issue with Parent Portal you may send an email to the district registrar stating that no forms need to be changed for 2020-21. If you have a change you may include it in the email.
If you have not already ALL students need to follow enrollment directions for the 2020-2021 school year. They are located on the website in the livefeed and through this link
For questions please call SPISD registrar (Ms. Pierce) @ 409-971-2321
Enrollment for Returning and New Students through Parent Portal is now accessible. The following link includes instructions for the process and can also be found at the school website.
Drive-Thru Meet the Teacher - please click on the following link or visit the website for details
If you have not already had a chance to view the 2020 SPISD Restart Plan and Health Guidance document you may access it on the school website or through this link
Further details about the start of classes will be coming in the next few days. Be sure to check the website for updates.
HS Football Practice Schedule (starting Monday 8/3)
Volleyball Tryout Schedule (starting Monday 8/3) /